Happy New Year for 2014

Just a short note to wish each and every one of you a very happy New Year. I hope that 2014 proves to be a happy and rewarding year for you all.  Personally, I can’t wait to find out what it has in store!

Christmas Rocky Road

When I was living in the UK, I joined a book club with a great bunch of people who quickly became good friends.  We’d pick a book.  Meet every six weeks or so. Talk about the book. Our likes and dislikes. And when we were finished, we’d rate the book out of five.  The evenings […]

Playing tourist

It’s been a good few months now since I packed up home in London and returned to Sydney and I’m surprised to realise just how quickly I’d started to take the everyday things here for granted within such a relatively short period of time. Over the past two weeks I’ve had a chance to play […]

Vespa obsessed

A little while back you might recall me mentioning that I spent one very hot weekend on a two-day motorcycle rider training course. Why you might ask? Well, as I’d rather keep A Sweet Muddle a place to share positive things, let’s just say that I’d been a little frustrated by our public transport system […]

World Egg Day

Happy World Egg Day everyone! Yes, you did hear correctly.  Today is World Egg Day, an annual, international celebration falling on the second Friday of October. To mark the occasion, I thought I’d whip up some homemade mayonnaise.  Trust me when I say, once you’ve tried making your own, you’ll never bother buying the ready […]

It begins with one step

There was a time not so long ago when I used to love to run.  I got a little obsessive about it.  If I didn’t go for a run at least four times a week, I would start to get restless.  I would plan my social life around it.  Then one day, I just stopped.  […]

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