Roast pumpkin and radicchio salad

I was recently doing a bit of spring cleaning and came across a pile of recipes that, long before the invention of Pinterest, had caught my eye and I’d torn out of various magazines with the intention of giving them a try.  Hands up if you’re guilty of tearing out (and more recently pinning or […]

Sautéed mushrooms with creamy polenta

Being winter here in Sydney, unsurprisingly I’ve had a craving for hearty, comfort food and over the past few months I’ve made a few of my ‘go to’ comfort foods… including some lovely soups and stews.  But earlier this month I was feeling a little bored with the usual fare, so turned to my collection […]

Sightseeing in Melbourne

It’s been a good while now since I’ve posted something non-food related here on A Sweet Muddle, but since mentioning my recent trip to Melbourne, I’ve had a few requests of some snapshots, so here goes… I absolutely loved exploring and losing myself in Melbourne’s vibrant laneways… Only to find myself at Movida.  The perfect […]

Home-made pizza with pepperoni, feta & mint

A couple of weeks ago now, I spent a long weekend in Melbourne visiting my brother and his family.  I had a wonderful time while I was there.  Time spent with the family, sightseeing and visiting some of the amazing restaurants and cafes the city has to offer like this and this was good for […]

Raspberry, macadamia and white chocolate muffins

So after disappearing for almost a month without any warning, I come bearing gifts… these gorgeous Raspberry, macadamia and white chocolate muffins.  I hope they can in part make up for my extended absence!?! I’ve been dreaming of these muffins for the last couple of weeks and looking forward to reclaiming some time in the […]

Banana Loaf

Bananas.  Love them or hate them?  I don’t know about you, but generally I’m not a fussy eater.  When it comes to fruit though, and bananas in particular, I do become perhaps a little fussier than the average person.  My bananas can’t be too green, but then, they can’t be too ripe either… its a […]

Hot smoked trout and lentil salad

Has it really been two weeks since my last post?!? I can’t believe what a crazy month March has been.  Did you miss me?  I sure missed you guys! I suppose now is as good a time as any to share my news with you all.  Earlier this month I enrolled in a postgraduate course […]

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