Life’s a beach

I have only recently returned to Sydney after a nine year stint in London, and one of the things I’m still blown away by is how amazing the weather is here pretty much ALL year round.

Having a LOT of spare time on my hands at the moment, I’ve been making the most of the fine weather and taking little adventures around town.  Rediscovering old haunts and discovering the occasional new gem.

This week I have been staying in Coogee, dog-sitting for friends, which has been such a fun mini break.

Here are a few of my favourite things from the week.

Early morning yoga classes at this gem of a studio and watching the sun rise over the pacific ocean.


Sitting on the beach and enjoying my first coffee fix for the day while soaking up the view




Walking the dogs



Being reminded that it is not yet summer, but spring is certainly in the air


Going for runs along the beach and headlands


What fun things have you been up to?

2 Comments on Life’s a beach

  1. Jenni Sivertsen-Harding
    25/09/2013 at 1:48 am (11 years ago)

    Dear Rachel, this is fabulous, I’m sooooo pleased and happy that you have started your own blog/website/food and photography site. I will recommend on Facebook so that your erstwhile bookclubbers know about it too and my foodie friends. Well done, really
    best of luck with it
    Jen xx

    • Rachel
      25/09/2013 at 6:33 am (11 years ago)

      Thanks Jen, I’m so glad you like it! Thanks also for all the positive comments you’ve left for me and shared with others xx


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