Nutella swirl cupcakes

Nutella swirl cupcakesI’ve been playing around with a few different recipes for Nutella cupcakes over the past month, and yesterday I finally had some time to not only bake a batch, but to also take some photos as well, which is good news for everyone as it now means I can now share them with you!

Nutella swirl cupcakesThe recipe for these Nutella swirl cupcakes was inspired by the Primrose Bakery Book‘s Nutella Cupcakes, although I’ve not used their recipe for the icing, mostly because I didn’t have any dark chocolate at home at the time.  Instead I added Nutella to a simple buttercream icing.

Nutella swirl cupcakes

Personally, I’m not a huge fan of icing and rarely ice my cakes. I typically find icing way too sweet and end up scraping most of it off… I do of course make exceptions, like today.

If I’m striking a chord with any of you, then I’d suggest you try adding a teaspoon or two of cinnamon to the cupcake batter (as per the Primrose Bakery’s recipe).  The finished muffins / cupcakes are good enough to eat sans icing, and the cinnamon adds another dimension to the taste.


Nutella swirl cupcakes

Yields 12

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  1. 175 g unsalted butter
  2. 1 cup caster sugar
  3. 3 large eggs
  4. 1 ¼ cups self raising flour, sifted
  5. 1 tsp baking powder
  6. 60 ml milk
  7. 100 g Nutella
For the icing
  1. 250 g butter
  2. 200 g Nutella
  3. 200 g icing sugar, sifted
  4. ½ tbsp vanilla extract
  5. 60 – 80 ml milk
  1. Preheat the oven to 170°C and line a 12-hole muffin tray with paper cases, then set aside.
  2. Beat the butter and sugar together, using an electric mixer on a medium speed. Continue until the mixture is smooth, light and fluffy.
  3. Add the eggs one at a time to the mixture, beating briefly between each addition.
  4. Once combined, gradually add the flour, baking powder and then the milk.
  5. Warm the Nutella in a small pan on a medium heat for a couple of minutes until it is runny, making sure not to burn it (alternatively you could heat it in the microwave for 15-20 seconds).
  6. Divide the cake mixture evenly between the pre-lined muffin tray.
  7. Add about a teaspoon of the melted Nutella to each of the cupcakes, then swirl the Nutella into the mixture using a skewer.
  8. Bake in the pre-heated oven for 20 – 25 minutes.
  9. Once cooked, remove from oven and leave to cool slightly in the muffin tray before placing on a wire rack to cool completely.
  10. Once cooled, decorate the cakes with the Nutella buttercream icing.
To make the icing
  1. With an electric mixer on a slow-medium speed, beat the butter and Nutella together in a mixing bowl until fluffy and well combined.
  2. Slowly add the icing sugar and beat until mixture is consistent texture.
  3. Add the vanilla extract and milk, then increase the speed on the mixer and beat until the icing is smooth and fluffy.
  1. If you’re a Nutella fiend, you might like to try hollowing out the centre of each cupcake and adding a dollop of Nutella before icing.
Adapted from The Primrose Bakery Book
Adapted from The Primrose Bakery Book
A Sweet Muddle


2 Comments on Nutella swirl cupcakes

  1. huntfortheverybest
    21/07/2014 at 9:46 am (10 years ago)

    they look yummy!

    • Rachel
      21/07/2014 at 10:15 am (10 years ago)

      Thanks Dina, they’re a little naughty for the waistline but they taste as good as they look!


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